The "WiCrack" software is an algorithm of specific actions aimed at breaking encrypted Wi Fi connections. In other words, this software performs automatic password recovery for closed Wi-Fi networks. For this purpose, "WiCrack" is equipped with the functionality of:
- sniffer, which collects and analyzes packets for the future hack;
- bruitforcer keys, providing finding directly the password for the received packets.
It is quite obvious that instead of using two different programs (picker and sniffer), which were necessary earlier, it is sufficient to download "WiCrack", which combines the functions of both.
The interface used in the considered software is original, simple and intuitive. There is also a patcher from "OdnoBot" in the distribution that allows you to install add-ons and updates to the full version. However, if the download from the official site is absolutely free, you can patch the program only after the first hack of Wi Fi, which takes only a couple of minutes.
For the proper use of "WiCrack" to enter the protected Wi Fi network, the following is required:
- Download the software archive with the drivers and the dictionary of possible passwords and unzip it. Additionally, there is an illustrated instruction with a detailed algorithm of actions, and also a video with the process of cracking.
- Run "WiCrack" through the file "exe", and then in the open window, type in the command from the instructions, located under the shortcut labeled "finding password".
- Press the "Enter" button.
- Select the file in the "WiCrack" window, and press the "Import" tab.
- Press "Start", and hack procedure will start. The process itself is based on data packet capture, its verification and analysis. When the information obtained matches the key, the program window will display the sought password.
In this way easily hacked any Wi Fi network, and the process itself does not require any specific knowledge. Simply activate WiCrack and follow the simple steps to obtain the desired access password. In this case, the probability that the hack will be detected is close to zero.